

 大野 光一


1987年生まれ 東京都出身

2012年武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵学科油絵専攻 卒業












 Ohno  Kouichi

Born in Tokyo, 1987.

Graduated in Musashino Art University, 2012. 


 The human face is something special.

I believe that without it we would struggle to recognize individuals, facial expressions also being a useful indicator of inner feelings and emotions.

The delicacy of the muscles in the face are important for this reason.

Human eyes and brains are also attuned to recognizing faces. The face is always “naked,” though it is the most key part of human body.

It can be considered as a “business card” in society, or a passport.

It is the mirror that reflects the inside of a person, and at the same time masks what lies in the heart.

My works offers viewers a chance to re-examine the human face.